"I'm not in it for the money. I'm not in it for the accolades. I'm in it because it is RIGHT."
--John Kuhn, Superintendent of Perrin-Whitt School District in Texas

Monday, August 13, 2007

Classroom Photos: August 2007

The far side of the room: some of the student desks (note the buckets for materials: no need to get up and go to the pencil sharpener). The cabinets and the sinks. The tables are so big and the room so small, I had to put the tables right up against the drawers.

View of part of the class: the slanted E and tables against the wall, my environmental ed and lab bulletin boards, my desk, and my Williams banner.

My introduction to me bulletin board. Includes pictures of family and friends, a map that traces my route from NH to KY, and photos from my travels abroad.

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